Stanislav Szukalski
(1893 - 1987)
Stanislav Szukalksi was one of the world’s great artistic treasures. Classically trained in Poland, he immigrated to Chicago, and embarked on a multi decade career of both artistic and intellectual creation.
After completing numerous original classical and modern sculpture, word of his advanced artistry reached his homeland of Poland, where he was immediately heralded ad “The World’s Greatest Living Sculptor”. At the request of the Polish government, Szukalksi returned to his beloved country of Poland with the majority of his original sculptures. “The Szukalksi National Museum” was opened, and commissions from both the Polish government and the private sector were begun. Unfortunately, the German invasion of Poland in 1939 obliterated both Szukalski’s museum as well as his original sculpture, leaving the artist devoid of his lifetime work.
Returning to America in 1940, a small quantity of original plaster sculptures that were not shipped to Poland were located, and it is from these originals that a limited fine art edition of 9 castings of each remaining sculpture were created, and are now available to the world.
A Netflix documentary on the life and art of Stanislav Szukalski was just released in December 2018, “Struggle: The Life And Lost Art of Szukalski”, produced by Leonardo DiCaprio.
Through the estate cast sculpture, and the limited release of some original artwork, the world now has the opportunity to view and purchase the art of Stanislav Szukalksi. Had Szukalski not returned to Poland, and continued his artistry in America, there is little doubt that he would have been heralded as one the great American sculptors of the 20th Century. It is with great pleasure that we present the art of Stanislav Szukalski.
Trigg Ison Fine Art is proud to present the original works of Stanislav Szukalski
"Imploration" Estate Cast Bronze #4/9 Polish/American, Signed, Illustrated 33.5 Inches
"Labor" Estate Cast Bronze #4/9 Polish/American, Signed, Illustrated 16 x 18 Inches
For a closer look, please click on a image below.
For a closer look, please click on a painting below.
92nd Birthday Exhibition of Robert McIntosh March 8, 2008
Roger Kellaway, Robert McIntosh, and Trigg Ison 92nd Birthday Exhibition of Robert McIntosh March 8, 2008
Roger Kellaway, Robert McIntosh, and Harrison McIntosh 92nd Birthday Exhibition of Robert McIntosh March 8, 2008
92nd Birthday Exhibition of Robert McIntosh March 8, 2008